Austin Baseball Club
Weekend games rained out 6/14-6/15 |
June 13,2003 |
Mov'in in doors
The rain is nice, but it's baseball season ! I need highlites from your games each week .... send them to me |
Weekend games rained out
Coach Farber, head coach at St.Edward's, notified us that we would need to reschedule our games for the weekend due to wet conditions. St.Andrew's recieved too much rain and will need a few days to dry out as wel
RAIN OUT INFO : if you have a question regarding rain over the weekend please follow these directions..... use 217.4523 as your primary source for rain out info. You should have called by now :) E-mail is a secondary resource followed by the web site
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Saturday baseball workout
The ABC coaching staff will be hosting a training session at the south facility on Saturday. The Yankee's, Braves and the north players from the Louisville Slugger team should come at 1:00. The Astro's, Brewer's and the south players from the Loiusville Slugger Team should report at 2
We will have a batting and defensive workout planned. Pitchers will throw bull pens
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Sunday, 6/15, "North Facility" work day
Please come and join the ABC coaches as we work to prepare to open our north facility. All, parents and players, are invited to help move equipment, paint, etc., to the north facility on Sunday. We will meet at the south facility to load trucks and head up to Anderson Mill and Pond springs. We would appreciate a few hours of your time to help promote the presence of ABC in the community ! Thanks in ad
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Coach Loter and Coach Brown are up in Omaha with the 18U team this week. I understand that there have been a few folks who have taken the liberty to "miscommunicate" regarding Coach Loter's need for a week off last week. I feel compelled, for your sake and the sake of the organization, to requeest that you refrain from "idle chatter" and gossip about things that are "hear say". My first question for you will be, "have you spoken directly with that person and or where you there ?" Please be care
Now Go Take on the Game-
S.Andrew Prater Austin Baseball Club
email: aprater@austinbaseballclub.com voice: 512.844.8105 web: http://www.austinbaseballclub.com
Austin Baseball Club
"What's happening around ABC" |
June 10,2003 |
We're ALMOST in "full swing"......
Congratulations once again to the 2003 Round Rock Dragons baseball team. Your success demonstrates once again that Central Texas in a hot bed for baseball talent.I also want to say that it truly was a pleasure to see so many of you during my stay in Astin over the weekend. I flew in from Milwaukee and skipped the Red Sox vs Brewers series !!!! I especially was encouraged by the guys out at St.Andrew's. There was a lot going on this past weekend and it is refreshing to have so many dedicated ball players participating in this program......thank you |
Check website ....... often ...... :)
Please continue to get in the habit of checking out the website for information regarding the weekend game schedules. This weekend we have had to make an adjustment with the two 16U teams headed to Baseball USA to play. They were unable to secure the extra fields they needed to facilitate the number of teams interested in playing. I went ahead and contacted Coach Farber at St.Edward's University and asked if ABC could hold a tournament there this weekend. His reply was "the ball players in the ABC program are some of the best we see all year while we are out scouting & recruiting. St.Ed's would love to get a 'head start' on the next 'wave' of ABC talent." It is an 18U tournament. Check the rosters for game times. All games at St.Edward's University..... come ready to play.... you never know who will be watching (heads up) Traveling mercies go out to the 16u Louisville Slugger Team as well as te Omaha and Colorado teams......be safe !
The summer teams are beginning to take shape. The teams this weekend will have a familiar look over the next several weeks. The coaches and I feel that we have found a nice "balance" with the rosters. Shake the hand of the person next to you this weekend and enjoy getting to know someone new. Some of the neatest feedback I have gotten over the past few days is from many of you who enjoyed getting to know each other both on and off the field. You know baseball isn't just for the kids on the field anymore :) ......there is a lot that goes on in the stands ! It sounds like the "Family" is coming together. RAIN OUT INFO : if you have a question regarding rain over the weekend please follow these directions..... call 217.4523 for the latest updates.
rosters / games | |
The blue jersey tops are in and those that did not recieve one can pick one up at Wednesday's practice. appologies for not having the entire order in on time. We have a detailed list of who needs "what" so we are prepared for you !
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Please take a minute to write down my cell number 512.844.8105. Please call me with any questions that might need immediate attention. There are times that I am unable to facilitate e-mail correspondence so I want to make sure tat we "stay in touch". E-mail's are great and continue to send when you need to, just know it may take a little time to respond.... that's all :)
I have had some really productive conversations lately with players and parents regarding issues that were on their minds. Don't hesitate to initiate a conversation. i learn a TON from you when we are able to "see eye to eye" and communicate :)
Hollywood update | |
It truly is a special thing to have the opportunity to spend time with and get to know you and your family. I trust that we are embarking on a wonderful , long term relationship......... have a great Week ! Call me if you need to :)
Now Go Take on the Game-
S.Andrew Prater Austin Baseball Club
email: aprater@austinbaseballclub.com voice: 512.844.8105 web: http://www.austinbaseballclub.com
Austin Baseball Club
Week of 6/2 - 6/9 |
June 3,2003 |
Hello from New Orleans
I want to say a hearty CONGRATULATIONS to the Round Rock Dragons ! We all are proud to be on the "Rock Hardball" band wagon !!!!! Best wishes to the ABC family regarding the Major League draft today. This is an exciting time for all and I want you to know how proud I am to be apart of this time in your lives. |
From my heart
I cannot thank you enough for the "compassion" that I have recieved over the past several weeks regarding the "strains" we have all experienced due to my absence in Austin. These are the times that "Families" really need to lean on each other and extend an extra degree of understanding towards each other. I believe 100% in the job that the ALL-STAR ABC staff has been doing and will continue to do.
I am least proud of the assemilation of pertinent information regarding tournaments and travel. I made a commitment to this organization to keep everyone informed and "in the loop" in a timely fashion and I feel as though I have not been able to do so. I appologize. Please bear with me and I insist that you call me to discuss issues so that we can continue to build a long term relationship ......... 844-8105
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This weeks games / tournaments
Please take a minute at this time to familiarize yourself with the game schedule for this week and next. I have made a few adjustments to the rosters for our 18U ABC Showcase this weekend (Upperclassman please check rosters). We will play at St.Edward's and McNeil HS. The game times are on the web underneath the rosters. Both teams play at 5:00 Friday.
The 16U & 15U AAU tournament game times have not been posted yet. When I recieve the bracket I will post it on the website underneath the rosters. Please check back often this week. The ABC league games at St.Andrew's are at 10:00 & 12:00. Please arrive 4 minutes prior to game time ready to stretch.
rosters / info |
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Looking ahead....
I am churning out info as fast as I can. Please get in the habbit of doing a couple of things for me. Check the website often (click on this weeks games) as well as call me 844.8105 or e-mail me when you have a question or are confused about something. I need just a little more patience and a little more "love" for a little bit longer :) My desire is to continue in this relationship for a long time.
Our north facility is ready for us to begin hanging nets and moving in equipment. I will be asking many of you to pitch in and help out :) I hope to be operating out there REAL SOON !
Hollywood update | |
Please accept the leave of abscence of Pat Loter at this time. There have been some unforseen circumstances that have led to his need to take some time off. His contribution to ABC has been tremendous and in his abscence we will be challenged to continue in a manner that he will be proud of.
Now Go Take on the Game-
S.Andrew Prater Austin Baseball Club
email: aprater@austinbaseballclub.com voice: 512.844.8105 web: http://www.austinbaseballclub.com
Austin Baseball Club
Memorial Day Games have been moved to Austin High |
May 22,2003 |
Hope you are having a GREAT day
St.Andrew's high school will be conducting graduation this Sunday so I have chosen not to interfere with the "flow" of things on that special day. ALL GAMES WILL BE PLAYED AT AUSTIN HIGH SCHOOL. I repeat, ALL GAMES WILL BE PLAYED AT AUSTIN HIGH SCHOOL ! |
Sat 24th & Sun 25th
As mentioned above, all games this weekend will be played at Austin High School.
Austin High School is located near Mopac and the river downtown. If you need directions please let me know. All game times remain the same.
Rosters and times | |
Guests at the ball park
I write and ask that we all remember that we are guests at the ball park. Please be conscious of the "space" you occupy while there and that regardless of "who's trash" or "stuff" is left behind, it is "that ABC group"...... We will have trash cans and trash bags there for you to use.
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All pitchers need to arrive 1 hour prior to start of first game. Position players 45 min prior. Games will be played in "real time" with coaches remaining in the dugout and in the coaches box on offense..... Lets play BALL !
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Now Go Take on the Game-
S.Andrew Prater Austin Baseball Club
email: aprater@austinbaseballclub.com voice: 512.844.8105 web: http://www.austinbaseballclub.com
Austin Baseball Club Newsletter |
May 21st, 2003 |
"Never confuse motion with action" Tulane Univ. weight room
Hello and I trust that you are having a GREAT week so far. I understand the weather has been a little cooler and has made things much more pleasant.
Again, I would like for you to please get used to going to the website on a daily basis. The exchange of information is a "pro-active" process that will involve you and I working together to ensure the lines of communication are wide open :) I have gotten a lot of positive feedback from those who have gotten in the groove of checking the site daily.
Help me help you.... |
As I mentioned above, it is very important that you make it a daily habit to stop by the website for the latest updates. The "razzle dazzle" e-mail service that I use has been a bit of a challenge. For certain e-mail addresses, the "links" on the newsletter are not "hot" and do not connect you to another page. When and if you cannot click and read rosters or schedules, please goto the ABC website; enter; then click on THIS WEEKS GAMES. This section of the web will display the info you need.
I appologize for any inconvenience and would be happy to "walk you through" the process..... Never the less, I will be counting on you to check for updates regularly. Thanks. |
Baseball in New Orleans |
Many of you may already know that I am in New Orleans working on my second Disney baseball film. Hollywood came calling for what they call "one the best baseball communicators and teachers" and I gladly accepted the position as baseball advisor / instructor.
The movie is about a major league player who gets 3000 hits in the big leagues only to find out right before he is voted into the Hall of Fame that he is 3 hits short. He goes back to the big leagues to try and get three hits.I spend the mornings at Tulane University with 6 actors and the afternoons in the production office working with the director, producers, and writers perfecting the script and choreographing the action. I did a "behind the scenes" interview today and talked a lot about ABC and the "boys back home" who are hard at work hoping to become the next person to get 3000 hits in the big leagues.
Next week I will be holding a "tryout" camp for local adult league players to come and audition for roles as "extras" in the film........ that ought to be good. If you cannot click on the link below, go to the following adddress to read more....
more about Mr.3000 »
This weekend - May 24th & May 25th |
Please take a minute to familiarize yourself with the game times, rosters, and inning breakdowns for this weekend. You can follow th link below or goto https://playerdevelopment.tripod.com/STymes/id30.html. There you will find the info you need. ALL PITCHERS SCHEDULED TO PITCH NEED TO ARRIVE 1 HOUR PRIOR TO START OF GAME !!
It's time to "step up to the plate" and starts getting plugged in with ABC. We train, we play, we spend time together, we care.
Each team is scheduled to play a double header. Game times are Saturday at 10:00, 12:00, 2:00, 4:00. Sunday same times.
game times & rosters »
ABC testimonials |
Hi Coach Prater, Hope things are well. We had a wonderful time at the ball field on Saturday. I am reassured every time we come out that we made the right decision for ______ with ABC. MG
Andrew, What a testament to ABC to have so many ball players doing so well in the High School Playoffs. I tell everyone that will listen that ABC is the place to be if you want to receive excellent training, tough competition and nationwide exposure. As for this family, I thank you for your help. JD
Flattering testimony...... »
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"ABC Family" In the News |
Each week it is my pleasure to include a "snap shot" of what is happening around the "ABC Family". This will include high school play-off games as well as ABC games and tournaments.Feel free to e-mail your highlights to be shared each week. Come on, don't be shy........ WE'RE PROUD OF YOU ALL !
Click here to see highlights.... |
email: info@austinbaseballclub.com voice: 512.844.8105 web: http://www.austinbaseballclub.com
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Austin Baseball Club Newsletter |
May 16th, 2003 |
Austin Baseball Club
Saturday game times, rosters, roster breakdown |
May 15th |
Appologies once again !
Finally got the "kinks" worked out..... you can now goto the website and view the info for this weekend. |
Weekend games
click on the link below or got to www.austinbaseballclub.com enter site and then click on the rotating "This weeks games"
May 17th rosters, roster breakdown | |
Please arrive 45 minutes prior to game time ready to hit the field to get loose and stretch.
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Now Go Take on the Game-
S.Andrew Prater Austin Baseball Club
email: aprater@austinbaseballclub.com voice: 512.844.8105 web: http://www.austinbaseballclub.com
Austin Baseball Club Newsletter |
May 7th, 2003 |
"DO SOMETHING. Either lead, follow, or GET OUT OF THE WAY." Ted Turner
I want to wish each of the special mothers in the ABC "Family" a HAPPY MOTHERS Day ! I trust that you will have a special time with your family.
Those that had the opportunity to attend last Sunday's games were treated to some really great baseball. I want to compliment the ball players on their excellent job of being on time and ready to get to work ! I can't think of too many more places I would rather be than on the ballfield teaching baseball.......
Games scheduled for Sunday 5/11 at St.Andrew's |
This Sunday, May 11th, we will be back out on the ballfield at St.Andrew's. ABC will host a double header first game at 3:30, second game 5:30. Players need to be in spikes ready to go 30 min. prior to game time. Once again, taking into consideration that players are in the play-offs and the fact that a few high schools are having end of season baseball activities that day, NOT EVERYONE is scheduled to play. All players should wear grey pants and a t-shirt. An ABC pull over will be provided at the game. For those who want to plan ahead, all summer teams will wear royal blue socks and belts. If you have any conflicts please communicate ASAP, otherwise......lets get to work !
Players not scheduled to play Sunday should also report to St.Andrew's for a regular workout, 3:00 start. There will be no workout at the warehouse on Sunday. We will use the cages and practice facilities at St.Andrew's. Again, PLEASE CLICK BELOW to view rosters, game times, and directions.
Rosters and times »
"What you missed" |
Yesterday marked the first week day workout at the training facility. Over 60 ball players attended the three workout sessions and there was an electricity in the air ! After dividing up into 6 cages each hour, we took soft toss, front side toss (working on hitting pitches down middle, inside, and opposite field) and 30 min. of live BP working on game situations.
"I have observed that my son was much better prepared than most of his high school teammtes this year. I would attribute this to his own talent, work ethic, and things he has learned and observed at ABC. My son has accurately stated that the players and coaches at ABC are more highly motivated to succeed. They all love the game and it's not just a job." Proud Father
Today - Wednesday 7th - we will be out at the field at St.Andrew's working out. Beginning next week, pitchers will be assigned to two workout times. Please be thinking about what time works best for you. I will be "asking around" today at practice. |
Lets learn from the "Big Boys" |
In this section I want to share with you a couple of excerpts from baseball articles that I have come across this week.
"All good pitches to hit are strikes, though not all strikes are good pitches to hit." Dave Winfield
"You're not really guessing. You're 'looking' for a pitch. It's a matter of being observant. You watch the pitcher throw. If his curve ball is high or hitting the dirt he can't throw it for a strike.....you can think about waiting for the fastball". Ted Williams
Scout's comments about Greg Maddux when he was in high school: Good live arm; Throws with very little effort; fastball has ave. or better velocity; curve is sharp 74-76; good control for high school pither. |
ABC testimonials |
Dear Coach Prater, ...your observations concerning the demeanor, maturity and respect for the game are mine exactly. The quality of baseball these kids play (at ABC) is amazing to me and unbelievable to the casual observers....keep it up. BD
Flattering testimony...... »
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"ABC Family" In the News |
Each week it is my pleasure to include a "snap shot" of what is happening around the "ABC Family". This will include high school play-off games as well as ABC games and tournaments.Feel free to e-mail your highlights to be shared each week. Come on, don't be shy........ WE'RE PROUD OF YOU ALL !
Click here to see highlights.... |
email: info@austinbaseballclub.com voice: 512.844.8105 web: http://www.austinbaseballclub.com
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Austin Baseball Club
Start making plans |
May 2,2003 |
Summer semester 2003
Just wanted to touch base and remind you of the upcoming "transition" into our weeky workout schedule and weekend game schedule for the summer semester 2003. |
Sunday workout, May 4th
The coaching staff and I are as anxious as you are to get out on the field and play some baseball. We decided that this Sunday , May 4th, would be a perfect time to do just that. This isn't a "fool proof" idea, nor is the timing ideal for everyone and we certainly understand.
By now you should have had a chance to click over to the website and view the rosters and game times for Sunday. Not everyone is scheduled to play. Due to playoff schedules, HS baseball festivities, etc., I have done my best to identify those available at this time. Please notify me as quickly as possible if you have any conflicts with the Sunday game schedule.
click here - Sunday rosters, May 4th | |
Those not playing Sunday, May 4th
As I mentioned above. not everybody is scheduled to play Sunday. All those not scheduled to play should report to the indoor training facility for a regular workout beginning at 2:00. Coach Loter and staff have a dynamite program planned.
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May training schedule changes
PLEASE make a note of the changes in training operations for May. On Tuesday evenings we will facilitate the weekly SWINGTHERPY sessions at the south indoor fcility. Class times will begin at 5:30, 6:30, & 7:30. At this time you are free to chose the time slot that best fits your schedule. The time you chose will need to remain the same each week.
On Wednesday evenings we will facilitate the defensive skills training sessions at St.Andrew's. Sessions will begin at 5:30, 6:30, AND 7:30. Our first Wednesday session will be May 7th and you may choose the best time that works for you on that day. We will be going over variuos "game day" activities and routines as well as getting extra work in. Beginning Wednesday, May 14th, I will begin assigning you to specific time slots for the defensive workouts. Pitchers will be assigned to two training times. One for pitching work and one for work at your position in the field. If you have any specific requests or "needs" related to workout times I need to know them as soon as possible.
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There will continue to be Sunday training at the warehouse for those in the playoffs or new to the program. All others will be assigned to rosters and will begin ball games and evaluations at St.Andrew's.
Now Go Take on the Game-
S.Andrew Prater Austin Baseball Club
email: aprater@austinbaseballclub.com voice: 512.844.8105 web: http://www.austinbaseballclub.com
Austin Baseball Club Newsletter |
April 30, 2003 |
"I ain't never had a job. I just always played baseball." - Satchel Paige
I spent the evening watching little league baseball at a local ball park last night. One might think that it would "take me back" to when I was a kid, but my mind chose a different path. I was reminded of the purity and simplicity of the game. I knew one player off each team so it was hard to choose a favorite team in my mind so I just enjoyed "the game".
Both pitchers threw strikes. Both teams hit the ball really well. What I liked most though was the HUSTLE. Each kid gave it his ALL down the base paths. Players were racing each other out to their positions. All eyes and ears were on the coaches as they huddled the teams together to share encouragment. They were there to play the game. Not strut their ego or show anybody up. It was simple.....just play the game. No, actually, it was beautiful. Do you watch beautiful baseball ? Can you play beautiful baseball ?
Games scheduled for Sunday 5/4 at St.Andrew's |
This Sunday, May 4th, ABC will host a double header at St.Andrew's HS. Taking into consideration that players are in the play-offs and the fact that a few high schools are having their baseball dinners that day, NOT EVERYONE is scheduled to play. Coach Loter and staff will also host regularly scheduled training sessions at the indoor training facility. Those that are not listed PLEASE report to the warehouse.
All players should wear grey pants and a t-shirt. An ABC pull over will be provided at the game. For those who want to plan ahead, all summer teams will wear royal blue socks and belts. PLEASE CLICK BELOW to view rosters, game times, and directions.
Rosters and times »
"What you missed" - Sunday, April 27th |
SWINGTHERAPY workshop : We divided into two large groups. One group started in the cages with pitching machines. We worked on situational hititing and EXECUTION. Players were divided into groups of 3-4 and hit off the Iron Mike machines. Situations covered: bunting, hit & run, move runner from 2nd to third, score runner from third, and leading off an inning. In the training cages: Players were divided into groupd of 3-4 and worked on their SWING PATH. Batting tee's were used as well as various front side drills. Players charted results.
"Hello Coach Prater, I would like to take a few minutes to tell you that ABC has already made a difference in my son. He is really starting to enjoy the weekly workouts and looks forward to them. I think he is seeing improvement on the field and he likes what he sees. I truly believe that the summer program will be beneficial to his future. Not only as a player, but as a young adult. It has certainly improved his self-confidence". NG
Defensive workshops: (Catchers) - blocking drills; recieving over hand curve (Pitchers)- mechanics;Coke can curve balls;command from wind-up & stretch (Infielders)- ready position;foot work; run- downs;communication (Outfielders)- routine fly balls;cut-off throws; do or die |
Lets learn from the "Big Boys" |
In this section I want to share with you a couple of excerpts from baseball articles that I have come across this week.
Former American League outfielder Tom Grieve gave a hitter's perspective on an encounter with Nolan Ryan: "He was the only pitcher I ever faced where it entered my mind that it might be dangerous to face him. He threw the ball so hard you had to be on your guard. Former teammate Joe Sambito said," when he got to the ball park and took the mound, you could see him change. He had that look about him that said 'Nobody is going to beat me'". HE HAD the "X-Factor"
Speaking of new Cubs manager Dusty Baker: "I know it's a cliche, but he's just cool. He can relate. There are very few rules. It's just,'Be on time and give it everything you got', and that's a lot easier said than done. But you don't want to let him down". Eric Karros |
ABC testimonials |
Dear Coach Prater, I overheard you telling the boys Sunday about making choices. The right choices. This is something I talk with my son about all the time. Two of best ball players on our HS team last year made the wrong choices a couple of months ago. One was our top pitcher who made "All State" last year. They were caught with drugs (along with our starting quarterback) and kicked off the team. The high school has a very strict policy and you do not get a second chance. He had several schools talking to him. He was unable to play his senior year. He hurt himself and he hurt the team. If nothing else, it taught my son a very valuable lesson and I feel he took it to heart. Thanks MW
Flattering testimony...... »
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"ABC Family" In the News |
Each week it is my pleasure to include a "snap shot" of what is happening around the "ABC Family". Feel free to e-mail your highlights to be shared each week. Come on, don't be shy........ WE'RE PROUD OF YOU ALL !
Click here to see highlights.... |
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Austin Baseball Club
Have a great weekend of baseball |
April 25,2003 |
It's tough to teach and whisper words of wisdom in your ear if you're not around........ |
Sunday workout
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone on Sunday. Training begins at 2:00 but feel free to come early to get some extra swings in.
Coach Loter has an outstanding day planned and those that have "plugged in" are making some BIG strides !
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"Out and About"
Tonight and tomorrow I will be "out and about" traveling out of town to watch baseball. I'll be out to see the mighty Mustangs of Marble Falls clinch a play off spot in Marble Falls tonight. Tomorrow I'll be out to watch the Lockhart Lions square off against the undefeated Dripping Srings freshaman in Dripping.
Get on out to a ball game and support the ABC family !
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Have a great day and thank you for allowing me to get to know you and your family.
Now Go Take on the Game- |
Austin Baseball Club Newsletter |
April 24, 2003 |
"Never discourage anyone.....who continually makes progress, no matter how slow". Plato
What an exciting time to be a baseball player in Central Texas ! The weather has been amazing and spring is in the air.
I would like to send a special congratulations out to Round Rock head baseball coach, John Langerhans, who recorded career wins # 600 and 601 this past week. John is a true testimony of hard work and comittment to young men and their dreams ! Thank you John for your integrity and dedication.
Kye Kolar makes it official. Signs with Univ. of Virginia |
Senior third base standout at Westlake, Kye Kolar, made it official on Thursday, April 17th, by signing a National letter of intent to play Division 1 baseball at the University of Virginia. Kye swings a big bat for the Chaps and is one of the leaders in several of their team offensive categories.
Kye anchors down 3rd base and bats 5th for ABC. Our coaching staff is proud to congratulate Kye and his family and thank him for all the basbeall memories. Now lets go make some more !!!!!
Univ. of Virginia Baseball.... »
"What you missed" - Sunday, April 20th |
SWINGTHERAPY workshop : Hitters worked on releasing the bat head by using their top hand to help generate bat speed; 20minutes of front side drills. 25 minutes of live BP working on 2 strike hitting approach. 150 - 200 swings per player on the day. "Andrew, I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know how impressed (but not surprised) I was with the organization of the session my son participated in on Easter Sunday. Your hard work and dedication have taken you a long way since we first met you and took hitting lessons many years ago......" LB
"Student of the Game" workshop: I introduced and we discussed an article titled: The sixth tool-"The X-Factor" written by the VP of minor league operations for the LA Dodgers, Charlie Baney. "The X-Factor" is a ballplayers over all make up - work habits,desire,drive,attitude,discipline. We discussed each of these and took a "self test" to see which areas we could individually improve on. Mr.Baney states that "Make up, for me, is number one. Quite often we see players who have physical tools but do not have the make up to succeed".
Defensive workshops: (Catchers) - blocking drills; recieving 90+ (Pitchers)- release points,slide steps,pitch outs,bullpens (Infielders)- glove transfer,tempo with hands and feet,glove position (Outfielders)- communication drills,fence drill,crow-hop |
Lets learn from the "Big Boys" |
In this section I want to share with you a couple of excerpts from baseball articles that I have come across this week.
Mike Scioscia, manager California Angels, speaking about his All-Star left fielder, Garret Anderson."I don't know if you ever look at Garret and say if he's hot or he's cold. He's just consistent. He just keeps driving. HE DOESN'T give away at bats." While other hitters TINKER with their swings on a regular basis, Anderson has never been one to do so....."All I worry about is - what am I swinging at? If I'm swinging at the right pitches, I'm going to have good swings."
According to Baseball Info solutions which tracked the pitch type for 93% of the pitches thrown last season, Pittsburgh Pirates left-hander Scott Sauerbeck threw a curveball on 59.9% of his pitches. NO OTHER PITCHER WHO THREW 50 INNINGS WAS EVEN CLOSE. Second highest percentage was 39.3%. The starting pitcher with the highest percentage threw 31.9% curves. PITCHERS.........LEARN TO COMMAND AND THROW YOUR FASTBALL! You're not there to trick hitters. We want contact in 3 pitches or less. |
ABC testimonials |
Dear Coach Prater, I happened to be doing some stuff online and somehow ended up on the Texas High School Baseball website. I never go to the message boards or chat rooms but for some reason I did and thought you would be interested in what I discovered. It makes me even more excited about our participation with ABC and we're all really looking forward to the summer season.
Follow the link below
Flattering testimony...... »
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"ABC Family" In the News |
Each week it is my pleasure to include a "snap shot" of what is happening around the "ABC Family". Feel free to e-mail your highlights to be shared each week. Come on, don't be shy........ WE'RE PROUD OF YOU ALL !
Click here to see highlights.... |
Subject: Austin Baseball Club Newsletter
Austin Baseball Club Newsletter |
"Many can play, few are great players." |
April 15, 2003 | |
"I believe managing is like holding a dove in your hand. If you hold it too tightly, you kill it. But if you hold it too loosely, you lose it." - Tommy Lasorda
I want to once again tell you how excited we are at ABC to get the Summer 2003 program under way. We feel that this summer will prove to be our most exciting yet ! Please remember that WE are here for YOU. Help us, help you :) It would be our desire to provide the most positive and productive baseball experience you have had to date.
Sunday skills training
This past Sunday over 50 ABC ball players met at the south facility for training and instruction. Coach Pat Loter has done an outstanding job coordinating the 2 1/2 hour session. Offensive drills and activities are broken down into 10-15 minute increments including time for stretching, teaching, and repetitions. Defensive training is broken up by position - P / C / INF / OF
45 minute SWINGTHERAPY session : Coach Loter and the ABC staff covered "game situations". All great teams execute fundemantals offensively. Often times the "little things" are over looked on offense. Sacrifice bunts, a successfully executed hit and run, advancing a runner to third, etc..... Players were in groups of 3-4 per cage and worked on successfully executing the above fundementals. Each cage had a clip board and a "chart" to record results.
"Student of the game" workshop: I beleive that success on the diamond comes with a balance of time spent learning the game both on and off the field. Both mentally and physically. In this 45 minute workshop I provided and reviewed a handout titled "What college coaches look for in Players". We focused on and discussed signs of maturity both Mentally and Physically.
Defensive workshops: Pitchers worked through three stations. Station 1 began on the mound in the bullpen throwing pitches and working on mechanics, location and command of each pitch. At station 2, each pitcher was video taped and a radar gun was used to chart the velocity of each pitch. Station 3 was outside where pitchers worked on "feeling" the release point and hitting a target. Catchers worked on footwork and timing drills outside and made throws to 2nd and 3rd. Used the pitching machines inside to work on exchanges and quickness. Infielders worked on lateral movement, double play quickness, and took ground balls. The outfielders reviewed proper angles and hitting the cut off man.
ABC website »
"Keep me posted" |
I would like to encourage you to "keep me posted" regarding your weekly baseball highlights. I would like to include your successes in the weekly newsletter as well as add pictures from your games. E-mail me your "story" and a picture to go with it !
It's time to volunteer your time |
Last week I mentioned in the newsletter that we have the opportunity to volunteer our time for a wonderful cause and event. The Make A Wish Foundation is in the need of 15 volunteers to help them with a fundraiser called the "Shiner Bash". Bicycle riders from all over the state will trek to Shiner, Texas on Saturday May 17th.
I have become actively involved with Make A Wish and would love to have the involvment of the "ABC family". Please consider spending Saturday, MAy 17th with me in Shiner.
"Shiner Bash" info »
Easter Sunday schedule |
Please make a note of the workout time change for this Sunday, April 20th. Training will begin at 4:00. We will have a regular 2 1/2 training session with SWINGTHERAPY and "Student of the Game" from 4:00- 5:30 and defensive workshops from 5:30 to 6:30. See you there !
"What happens next" |
As we approach the conclusion of the high school spring season I want to remind you that we will be hosting training sessions during the week rather than on Sunday's. Weekends in May will be reserved for games and evaluation purposes. Tuesday's will be the scheduled day for batting training and Wednesday's for defensive training out at St.Andrew's high school.
Batting training sessions will begin at 5:30, 6:30, & 7:30. Defensive training will begin at 5:00, 6:00, & 7:00. You pick the time best for you.
North facility update |
We are anxiously awaiting the finishing touches to our north facility located at the intersection of Anderson Mill road and Pond Springs. The developer is moving as fast as he can and assures us we will be able to move in shortly. The training equipment (nets, machines, etc..) have already arrived and are waiting to be put to work. Thanks for your patience !
| |
"Awards mean a lot, but they don't say it all. The people in baseball mean more than statistics." Ernie Banks
ABC "Family" - "In the news"
Many of you know that each Tuesday the Austin Statesman publishes the Central Texas HS statistics (not all schools report their statistics). Did you know...... this past Tuesday ABC ball players were mentioned 61 times in the 8 categories ? Congratulations guys !
Congratulations go out to Westwood coach, Bart Bratcher, for reaching a milestone of 500 victories !
Aaron Garza, Westlake Sr., is a top the Central Texas leader board in batting average (.586) and runs scored (33). Second in homeruns with 8.
Matt Nachreiner, Round Rock Sr., heads the leader board with 7 wins.
Ty Davis,Westlake Sr,John Danks,Round Rock Sr,Kye Kolar,Westlake Sr, and Scott Bates,Salado Sr, all have 5 wins
8 ABC pitchers have an ERA below 2.00.
Todd Reesing, Lake Travis Sr, went 3-4 against Del Valle.
Doug Roth, Lake Travis Fr, beat Lockhart this week improving to 5-0. Batting .667
Mike Wright, Lockhart Fr, went 2-2 vs Lake Travis
John Danks,Round Rock Sr, beat Georgetown last night 8-3. Recorded 15 strikeouts to add to his Central Texas league area leading 102 K's on the year !
Travis Schlichting,Round Rock Sr, had a 2B & 3B, 4 RBI's in win over Gtown.
Cullen Carlson,Lake Travis, picked up the win over Lockhart allowing just 4 hits
Jordan Kutcherosky,Lake Travis Sr, went 3-3 2 RBI's (two 2B's and a 3B)
Ty Davis, Westlake Sr, took no-hitter into 7th inning vs Akins.
Kye Kolar,Westlake Sr, belted a homerun vs Akins.
JUST A "Snap Shot" of the action
Lots of GREAT things happening around the ABC "Family"
I would like to extend another special thank you for affording me the opportunity to meet with you two weeks ago at our ABC organizational meeting. I have been receiving a lot of positive feedback regarding the number of "new" faces and talent that were present. I want to encourage both players and parents to take a minute and introduce yourselves to those that you have not previously met. We are beginning this "marathon journey" together and everyone has a role to play.
My time on Tuesday and Thursday mornings feeding breakfast to the homeless from 5:00-7:00am has been extremely rewarding and a true pleasure. As I have mentioned before, you are welcome to join me for a time of true blessing. There have been a number of the ABC family that have taken the time to come and help serve and each time have walked away with a memorable experience. There is something about having the opportunity to "reach out" and truly help someone. No strings attached..... just "serve". Breakfast is served at the First United Methodist Church located on the west side of the Capitol at 13th and Lavaca. See you there
I have volunteered the Austin Baseball Club to help facilitate a fund raiser for the Make A Wish Foundation. The event is called the "Shiner Bash" and is a bicycle race that will feature riders riding their bikes from Austin,Houston,and San Antonio to Shiner,Texas. ABC needs 10-15 volunteer's on Saturday, May 16th, to help in Shiner with various activities. I'll put my name down first, so we need 14 more........... remember- "It's for the kids."
Guys it's time to start plugging back in. Sunday's workouts have been outstanding. Last Sunday's curriculum included:
All players watched highlights of the Marlins / Braves game from last week. Evaluated the homerun swings of three players.
"Student of the Game" workshop - ball players answered 4 questions on a piece of paper and turned them in 1.What kind of season am I having ? 2.If I could change one thing about my season it would be ? 3.What is my game day routine ? 4.My strongest asset as a player is ...
SWINGTHERAPY class: 45 minutes of intense work using "front side" drills and live BP. Coach Loter coordinates a regimented schedule that breaks down the session into 5-10 minute increments.
Defensive sessions met for one hour- INF / OF / P / Catchers
Pitcher / Catcher meeting concluding workout
Sunday, April 13th
Training sessions begin at 2:00
2:00-3:30 SWINGTHERAPY & "Student of the Game"
3:30-4:30 Defensive workshops
Please read the following e-mail received form ABC alumni and current Tulane Univ. starting pitcher, Matt Goebel :
The longer I'm here, the more I see how much the way things are done here resemble the way we did things at ABC (all the way down to Coach Jones writing things down to bring up after practice about fundamentals and what to do in situations that came up in the game). I now more than ever appreciate the baseball environment that you have created in your program. The things that we do here are done in much the same fashion that I've been doing them for the past few years (emphasis on being on time, being prepared, representing the program with class, all the way down shining our shoes before we play). I think coming from your program has made it easier for me to adjust here because its not so different from what I'm used to. Some of the other guys here are struggling because they aren't used to being in a disciplined program like this, where they are expected to work hard and take care of business. All I can say is, you have a really good thing going, and just in !
case for some reason you had any doubt about whether your program was doing the right things or not, rest assured that you are doing all of the right things to get the guys ready for baseball in the "real world". Anyways, I'll see you when I come home, take care. Matt Goebel
"Are you climbing the ladder of success only to find it leaning on the wrong wall ?" Church Pastor
"When you lose, don't lose the lesson."
Hey gang !
I am in Houston with the St.Andrew's Crusader's baseball team. We arrived today and played a ball game at 4:30. We play two tomorrow and then head back to Austin. I hope you all had a chance to enjoy the FABULOUS weather outside today !
I apologize, but in my "haste" to get out the door today for our road trip I left my notes regarding the "ABC Family in the News". There were a lot of exciting games played earlier this week and I have a lot of highlights to pass on......... I'll send those highlights out tomorrow when I get back to town.
Sunday, April 6th
Training sessions at warehouse
- 2:00-3:15 - SWINGTHERAPY
- 3:30-4:30 - Defensive workshops P / C / INF / OF
*all non-varsity pitchers and those who be on the mound this summer are to attend April pitching skills workshop.
*all catchers report
All Summer semester 2003 paper work must be completed and tournament deposit checks received by April 7th. Checks payable to ABC and mailed to :
PO Box 40192 Austin Texas 78704
Training commitment along with cc# must be on file s well.
I came across the following excerpt from a paper that a former ABC ballplayer wrote to be submitted with his college applications. I feel that it conveys part of the "essence" of the ABC organization. Please read :
Andrew Prater, my summer baseball coach, models leadership for the players on his teams. His hard work and persistence in helping athletes develop and succeed shows me leadership at its best.
Coach Prater helps his players break out of slumps. Instead of approaching the situation from the physical aspect, Prater stresses the mental aspects of a players game. This approach helps them gain the self-confidence necessary to ride out and overcome a slump.
Self-confidence is a key aspect of leadership. Prater instills in his players that self-confidence builds from taking care of the details we can control. The areas under our control are appearance, punctuality, and personal responsibility. Not only does Prater teach us the importance of taking care of business, he demonstrates it. He is early to games and practices, dressed in a neat, clean uniformfrom his cap down to his cleats. The schedule, roster, phone numbers, pens, pencils and a cell phone await use in his briefcase. Game balls rest in their box while practice balls rattle around in their bucket. He is ready for any contingencyfrom providing what we need to get ready for games to making phone calls to help a stranded player get to the game.
Appearance and preparedness are not everything, but they go a long way to building self-confidence. With self-confidence, Praters players face tough opponents and ably compete above their level of experience. His confidence in the skills he taught us inspires us to perform beyond our expectations.
As our self-confidence grows, we rise to the challenges before us both on and off of the field. We take the tools Prater gives us and take them to school, to work and to the playing field to reach othersthe mark of a good leader.
I look forward to seeing you soon and thank you for allowing me to spend time with you and your family.
Coach Prater
"This is the best time of the year. Heck, once the season starts, I go to work." Brooks Robinson
"ABC moments to shine"
Aaron Garza, Travis Schlichting, Jonathan Paiz, Chance Wheeless, Nick Spears tool a batting average over .450 into play this week.
Nick Peoples, Aaron Garza, John Danks, Travis Schlichting occupy 4 of the top 5 spots for runs scored.
John Danks leads central Texas wih 15 stolen bases.
Aaron Garza leads with 7 home runs.
Matt Nachreiner, John Danks, Ty Davis, and Kye Kolar each started the week with 4 wins a piece.
Sophmore Aaron Lenz has a ERA of 1.85
7 ABC pitches have an ERA under 2.00; 4 are under 1.00
Soph Logan Wyeth had 2 doubles vs Bastrop
Travis Schlichting had a two doubles and a triple in two games this week
Soph Mike Hancock had had a triple against Pflugerville
Aaron Garza hit his 7th homerun against Hays
Cory Thell threw a complete game striking out 9
Freshman Doug Roth no-hit Wimberley; Has pitched 17 innings;31 K's;batting .667 Just a snap shot.........
This Sunday, March 30th, we will gather at the south training facility to continue to lay the ground work for the Summer semester 2003. Please review the following itenerary:
PLEASE NOTE : The meeting on March 30th will be broken into two groups for "management" purposes only. It is imperative that you attend at the appropriate time.
Group #1 ALL '05 & '06 graduates - 5:00-6:00
Group #2 ALL '03 & '04 graduates - 7:00-8:00
*All players who have not participated in an ABC summer need to report 30 min. prior to designated time for new member orientation.
*New players please bring copy of birth certificate.
We will be focusing on the ABC "Player Management Program" (outlined on our website) as well as the summer semester schedule. Please take a minute to familiarize yourself. Due to the tremendous success of the ABC program and the desire of tournament directors to have ABC teams attend their events, there have been several additions to the Summer schedule (all ages).
I would like for you to be thinking ahead regarding the budget for the summer. A summer tournament deposit of $600 is due on April 15th. Individuals that would like to learn more about fund raising opportunities that we have utilized in the past please let me know.
Expenses related to summer baseball are broken down into three categories:
- Player Development fee (weekly skills training classes & use of facilities - North & South) - $225 per month
- Tournament fee's - $600 (all ages)
- Travel expenses (hotel, air fare, ground transportation) - TBD (expenses differ by age)
In last weeks newsletter I asked each of you to examine exactly "what it is" that you hope/desire to accomplish as a member of this "Family". Ball players don't just "show up" at a tournament or showcase and get recruited by the school of their choice because they are wearing a certain jersey or because they were just "there". Thousands of ball players will play in front of thousands of scouts all over the country this year, yet the statistics stay the same:
- 5.6 % of high school seniors in the US go onto the NCAA to play baseball
- 0.5 % of high school seniors are drafted
source : High School baseball Web
"Scouting is the most important part of baseball. We go out and decide who can play and who can't." - former Major League Scouting Bureau director
At ABC, we don't just teach you how to play the game, we teach you how to become a better baseball player. We have to prepare. A ball player must be prepared to succeed at a showcase. Age is not the deciding factor on where a ball player will player.
As you examine your personal expectations for the ABC organization I would like for you to write them down and give them to me at the meeting this Sunday. It is my desire to create accountability on both ends. Together, lets reach your goals. This process, at times, may involve activities and participation that you might find challenging or even remedial. Working together and communication will be the key. I am committed to that..... are you ?
Beginning April 6th
All non-varsity pitchers / players who plan or would like to see innings on the mound for ABC during the summer semester (beginning in May) will participate in an April pitchers workshop on Sunday the 6th,13th,20th,27th. The workshop will follow our batting training and begin at 3:30. Let me repeat, ALL non-varsity "pitching types" will participate in the ABC pitching workshop beginning April 6th. Let me repeat .........
The organizational goal for EACH pitcher this summer is to add between 2-5 miles an hour on your fastball, establish a consistant 2nd pitch, and learn how to become a better "pitcher"- not just HOW TO pitch.
March 30th training
Regular training schedule for Sunday March 30th.
Thank you for allowing me to spend time with your ball player and get to know your family.
Coach Prater
".....Tom Cruise only makes one or two films appearances a year. A baseball player can be the hero or the goat one hundred sixty-two times a year." Dave Winfield
ABC "Family" in the News....
Congratulations Aaron Garza (Sr, Westlake), Nick Spears (Soph, Bowie), Matt Nachreiner (Sr, Round Rock), and John Danks (Sr, Round Rock) for your recognition in the Thursday addition of the Austin American Statesman as four of the Top Players in Central Texas.
Sr. Aaron Garza leads central Texas with a .570 ave. and 5 home runs.
Soph. Nick Spears is batting .538
Sr. Matt NAchreiner is 4-0 with a 1.22 era
Sr. John Danks is 3-0, 0.91. 52 strike outs in 23 innings
Sr. Cullen Carlson pitched a one hitter against Dell Valle
Sr. Jonathan Paiz is batting .520
Soph. Aaron Lenz pitched three innings vs Westlake. 26 pitches, 1 hit
Fresh Alex Truesdale pitched shut out thru 6 innings
Sr. Blake Whittlesey was 4-4 against Taylor with 2 doubles.
Sr. Travis Schlichting had 4 RBI's, 2B & triple against McNeil
Soph Logan Wyeth went 4-5 with 4 RBI against Lake Travis
Sr Ty Davis 12 K's vs Bowie
Congratulations to all the boys for the hard work and effort displayed through out th season thus far. I had a heart to heart conversation on Sunday with one of the boys mentioned above about "perspective" and recognizing your "role" on the team. Concentrating on things that he can control : effort, hustle, enthusiasm, encouragement, etc... and not letting the things that he can't cloud his mind : coaches decisions, batting order, playing time..... Before he walked away Sunday I felt like our conversation had sunk in and I was sure that as he began to shift his focus, BIG things would follow....... AND THEY DID ! I love this GAME !
Thank you for confirming your attendance at the Summer 2003 meeting on Sunday March 31st. Let me remind you that
'05-'06 graduates meet from 5:00-6:00
'03-'04 graduates meet from 7:00-8:00
**Please be advised. ALL ball players and parents who have not participated in a summer semester with ABC need to arrive at your designated meeting time 30 minutes early to participate in a brief "New member" orientation. Thanks
The summer schedule is coming together REALLY nice. I want to update you regarding the College World Series Showcase. We have been confirmed for this tournament and will be participating. Omaha here we come !
Let me take a minute to share with you some of my personal thoughts as we head into the summer semester and our meeting next week. With in our ABC "Family" there are a wide variety of baseball back grounds, successes both on and off the field, bad experiences, good experiences, expectations, desires, fears, good intentions, talent, potential, etc.......you name it. By design, we (ABC staff) are in the business of player development. Training. Workouts. Spending time with players and families. Providing an opportunity for games and tournaments. I want you to understand that I have the best interest of each and every player in mind as we head into the summer. My role and responsibility is to function as the Player Development coordinator. The staff of coaches and the facilities that you will have at your disposal are second to none. By design, the ABC protocol is to spend time together. Training, playing, socially, etc..... the more time we have together, we give ourselves ! the opportunity to better understand how we can best service current and future needs.
Starting today, I ask each of you to examine exactly "what it is" that you hope/desire to accomplish as a member of this "Family". Ball players don't just "show up" at a tournament or showcase and get recruited by the school of their choice because they are wearing a certain jersey or because they were just "there". Thousands of ball players will play in front of thousands of scouts all over the country this year, yet the statistics stay the same:
- 5.6 % of high school seniors in the US go onto the NCAA to play baseball
- 0.5 % of high school seniors are drafted
source : High School baseball Web
"Scouting is the most important part of baseball. We go out and decide who can play and who can't." - former Major League Scouting Bureau director
At ABC, we don't just teach you how to play the game, we teach you how to become a better baseball player. We have to prepare. A ball player must be prepared to succeed at a showcase. Age is not the deciding factor on where a ball player will player.
As you examine your personal expectations for the ABC organization I would like for you to write them down and give them to me. It is my desire to create accountability on both ends. Together, lets reach your goals. This process, at times, may involve activities and participation that you might find challenging or even remedial. Working together and communication will be the key. I am committed to that..... are you ?
Beginning April 6th
All non-varsity pitchers / players who plan or would like to see innings on the mound for ABC during the summer semester (beginning in May) will participate in an April pitchers workshop on Sunday the 6th,13th,20th,27th. The workshop will follow our batting training and begin at 3:30. Let me repeat, ALL non-varsity "pitching types" will participate in the ABC pitching workshop beginning April 6th. Let me repeat .........
This Sunday's training will be at the warehouse.
2:00 batting / "Student of the Game" workshop
3:30 defensive workshops.
See you all soon and thank you for allowing me to spend time with you and your family.
Coach Prater
"Lets face it. Baseball has become a game of 'hit 'em where they are' - where the fans are out in the 75 cent seats." - Paul Richards ( Orioles Manager 1955-1961 )
GREAT AFTERNOON to ALL ! I trust that the sunshine has "infected" your minds and created a CRAVING for some BASEBALL !
Let me share with you just a "snap shot" of what is happening around the ABC family :
- Soph. Mike Hancock, Stony Point, pitched 5 strong innings ( 6 k's, 1 BB) and beat Westlake
- Soph Nick Spears, Bowie, belted two homeruns and had 5 RBI's vs. Hays
- Sr. Ty Davis, Westlake, took a no-hitter into the 7th inning against Seguin. 19 K's
- Jr. Cory Thell, Leander, pitched 5 dominant innings vs. McNeil. 72 pitches- 50 strikes, 11 K's, 0 walks
- Sr.Matt Nachreiner, Round Rock, picked up his 4 th win.
- Sr. Travis Schlichting, Round Rock, hit a homerun, a double, and a single against G-Town.
- Soph. Jordan Danks, Round Rock, had a triple
- Sr. Kye Kolar, Westlake, picked up his second victory on the hill.
- Sr.Aaron Garza, Westlake, continued his hot bat picking up a triple, 2 doubles....
- Soph. Lamar Milstead, Dripping Springs, belted a homerun against Bowie
- Soph. Mark Mahaney, Dripping Springs, picked up a victory over Bowie
- Soph. Aaron Lenz, Stony Point, pitched 4 innings. Threw only 29 pitches !
CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL who have been busy playing and supporting baseball through out this past week. The highlights above are just a SNAP SHOT of all that is taking place in the ABC family. Please e-mail me this week and give me an update regarding how your games went
Today I met with the regional director for the "Make a Wish" Foundation. My intentions are to get involved with their organization and help touch the lives of children in the Austin community who have life threatening illnesses. I will keep you posted regarding opportunities for the ABC family to get involved. It would be my desire that we ( ABC) would "adopt" the "Make a Wish" Foundation as an organization that we (ABC family) support by volunteering on occasion to help share and spread some of the blessings we all enjoy. I received a list of needs from the director and I will keep you posted.
On Sunday, March 30th, we will gather at the training facility to finalize the Summer Baseball 2003 schedule, budget, operations, etc....... There will be plenty of Q & A and time for fellowship. This is a mandatory meeting for all players and parents to attend. Part of the meeting will be for players and parents, the other part is for parents only. ***Please reply back to me to verify your attendance.
PLEASE NOTE : The meeting on March 30th will be broken into two groups for "management" purposes only. It is imperative that you attend at the appropriate time.
Group #1 ALL '05 & '06 graduates - 5:00-6:00
Group #2 ALL '03 & '04 graduates - 7:00-8:00
We will be focusing on the ABC "Player Management Program" (outlined on our website) as well as the summer semester schedule. Please take a minute to familiarize yourself. Due to the tremendous success of the ABC program and the desire of tournament directors to have ABC teams attend their events, there have been several additions to the Summer schedule (all ages). I will post those this week on the website.
I would like for you to be thinking ahead regarding the budget for the summer. A summer tournament deposit of $600 is due on April 15th. Individuals that would like to learn more about fund raising opportunities that we have utilized in the past please let me know.
Expenses related to summer baseball are broken down into three categories:
- Player Development fee (weekly skills training classes & use of facilities - North & South) - $225 per month
- Tournament fee's - $600 (all ages)
- Travel expenses (hotel, air fare, ground transportation) - TBD (expenses differ by age)
As mentioned before, PLEASE reply to this e-mail to confirm your attendance on March 30th.
Sunday, March 16th
Workout at training facility:
See you soon and thank you for allowing me to get to know you and your family !
Coach Prater
"Managing can be more discouraging than playing...because when you're a player, there are at least individual goals you can shoot for. When you're a manager all the worries of the team become your worries." -Al Lopez- White Sox manager (1958-1969)
Mr.Sunshine came out these past few days and I could hear the collective sigh's from baseball enthusiast across the city ! Thank you Lord !
I had a delightful experience watching high school baseball over this past week. I made it out to see and visit with (what felt like) a million ball players and parents !
Some of the ABC family highlights to pass on :
- Alumni, college freshman Matt Goebel, got his second start for Tulane Univ. against #2 ranked Cal-State Fullerton. He pitched 7 1/3 innings, threw ONLY 84 pitches, and got a no-decision.
- Freshman, Michael Wright (Lockhart), had a double, two RBI's, scored twice, pitched three innings and struck out 6 !
- Junior, Cory Thell, threw 6 innings. 80 pitches, 46 strikes - 34 balls, 1-3 with 2 RBI's
- Freshman, Justin Platt, placed 2nd on his steer and 10th on his goat at the sock show ! YEE-HAW
- Junior, Todd Gilfilan (Westwood) had a homerun against Odessa
- Senior, Jonathan Paiz (Crockett) had doubles in back to back games
- Senior, Kye Kolar, pitched an AMAZING game to win the Chap Classic Championship against Round Rock
- Aaron Garza hit his 4th and 5th homeruns of the season in the Championship game
- Soph, Jordan Danks, continued his hitting TEAR !!!!
- Senior, John Danks, struck out 16 batters against Spring HS. Thats 30 K's in two games
- Senior, Chance Wheeless had 10 RBI's in two games against Spring & Odessa.
- Senior, Matt Nachreiner got his 2nd win striking out 7.
- Senior, Jordan Kutcherosky had a triple
- Senior, Ty Davis beat Spring
- Soph, Brian Bailey, beat Odessa
- The list goes on.........
Get me your highlites !
The phone rang countless times this week from college coaches wanting to visit regarding the ABC program and talent. My e-mail "in box" has a steady stream of inquiries. Hey guys..... we're on to something. Keep up the good work ! One coach was on the road in Florida and he jokingly said .."send me some reinforcements ! We need help !"
I met for lunch on Monday with a player and his parents to discuss college recruiting "coarse of action". Once again I want to extend to you an invitation to set an appointment with me to do the same.
Sunday's workout this week will be at the training facility. Offensive session will go from 2:00-3:20
Defense will begin at 3:30.
"Student of the Game" work shop will be held in our "Media room". Okay..... in front of our TV. I have an excerpt from a recorded hitting session that the Texas Rangers hitting coach, Rudy Jaramillo, did for ABC two years ago. We will be reviewing a portion of the tape. Q & A will follow.
The ABC family will be gathering soon to further explore and discuss itineraries and budgets for the Summer 2003 program. Please be on the look out for updates.
Now is the time to begin to articulate and communicate your expectations for this summer.
I hope to see you soon and thank you for allowing me to get to know your family.
Coach Prater
"I put my whole heart and soul into baseball, Then, one day, it was all over. When you leave baseball, you leave a part of your childhood behind." - Sandy Vance (Dodgers pitcher 1970)
I purchased my GMC Yukon three years ago. Fully equipped with, among other things, FOUR WHEEL DRIVE. Lots of folks said, "four wheel drive ? what for ? you don't need that." At the time I agreed whole heartedly. I have been in four wheel drive MAYBE once............until 5:00am this morning. You see, God knew 3 years ago that this particular Tuesday there would be an ice storm in AUSTIN. Conditions unsafe. But you see, he also knew that I would have made a commitment to serve in the community. This morning, 5 other people (usually 20ish) showed up to serve breakfast to the homeless. Someone had to scrambled the 45 dozen eggs, put the biscuits in the oven, make the orange juice, put out the jelly, prepare the sausage, etc..........
God knew that if only for one morning, I would need to have 4 wheel drive.
Over 200 men (and a few women) were looking to be fed. Something warm to eat. But you know what, I was the one who was "fed".......something warm..........
smiles, sincere THANK YOU'S, bless you's, etc.
Lets not get caught up in this hectic time of bad weather, "road hazard's" , and canceled baseball games and forget to be thankful. Look for ways "to feed" and "to be fed".
The weather really put a dent into this past weeks baseball games. The mighty St.Andrew's Crusaders were looking to play their first game of the season before the weather went bad ! I have begun to receive some VERY positive feedback from college coaches who have been excited to see the roster / player information in the ABC family. We are in the process of updating our contact list, expanding it to include every Junior College in Texas as well as many of the Division 1 conferences across the country. Please know that it is my PRIVILEGE and PLEASURE to take the opportunity to speak about the talent and ball players I have the pleasure to be around. You all make my job a lot of fun :)
Sunday's workout , March 2nd, will be at the warehouse. Please be on time ready to spend time in the cage, in my "Student of the Game" workshop (hand outs provided), as well as time with your glove on. ABC's success hinges upon a balanced approach in ALL aspects of the game.
Technical : your ability to execute fundamental skills - throwing,hitting,fielding,etc..
Technical : knowing "what to do when"
Mental : your APPROACH to each at bat (count, number of outs,pitchers tendencies), each pitch, defensive situations
Physical : foot speed, agility, quickness
"Student of the Game" workshop will cover :
- We will review you AT-BAT journal. (Please bring)
- "You never know who's watching" - comment from a college recruiter
I look forward to seeing everyone Sunday. Please be safe and thank you for allowing me to spend time with your family.
Coach Prater
"A great catch is like watching girls go by - the last one you see is always the prettiest."
-Bob Gibson
I want to send a special congratulations out to ALL who were out on the ball diamond this week representing their high schools. The St.Andrew's Crusaders began official baseball workouts today and I must admit, it sure was GREAT to be back on the diamond hitting ground balls and teaching the game. I love this time of year !
I sat in the stands last night at two different Varsity ball games. I love watching high school baseball and boy was there a lot of drama. Many of the faces on the field were VERY familiar to me and I felt like a proud "papa" watching his boys compete. I picked up the paper this morning and quickly turned to the box scores to see how the "Family" had done.
- John Danks pitched a two hit victory striking out 14 thru 6 innings.
- Matt Nachreiner picked up a save throwing 93 mph fastballs and 86 mph sliders !
- Travis Schlichting hit a MONSTER homerun to left center to go along with a triple
Ty Davis threw two scoreless innings
Aaron Garza broke up a no hitter in the last inning
Adam Froeschel collected 2 hits ; double and a homerun
Gerald Weaver pitched a scoreless inning striking out the side
Andrew Gonzales got picked off first by Gerald Weaver
Soph. Aaron Lenz got his first Varsity inning under his belt. Scoreless with two K's
Soph Mike Hancock got his first Varsity inning under his belt. Scoreless
Soph Tommy Williams belted two homeruns in one week
Soph catcher, Jason Engstrom nailed the only would be base stealer of the night
Obviously not every team was in action over the past few days. Please give me updates on how games are going. Freshman, JV, and Varsity ! We're proud of you ALL !
Our workout Sunday will begin at 2:00. I cannot say enough about how pleased the coaches and I are at the work we are getting done. There seems to be a certain level of energy that is infectious during the workout. My workshop Sunday will focus on :
- Do I "Guess" or Do I "Look" for a pitch (excerpt from a book on Ted Williams)
- The mental approach to....... Hitting the ball hard vs. Hit the ball where it's pitched (Pete Rose)
- Set your goals high. Making good social choices (excerpt from book on Bo Jackson)
The workshop time is invaluable. It's a time where we all can ask questions, create dialog, exchange ideas, and work on the MENTAL side of the game. GET ON BOARD ! Parents are invited and welcome to listen in. Hand outs provided to take home and file in your notebook.
See you soon and thank you for allowing me to get to know your family !
Coach Prater